Bébé in utero

 Baby in Utero: Building Bonds with Your Child Through Music

“The quality of a baby’s life in utero and the smoothness of childbirth greatly influence the child’s future life. It is during this phase of life that the baby will acquire emotional balance, self-assurance… It is also during these moments that the baby’s cognitive abilities develop. It is important to treat the fetus as a human being. To communicate and build bonds with your child, specialists recommend using music. Here’s why…”

You’ve probably heard about listening to music for a fetus in utero during pregnancy. You may be wondering how this can be beneficial for both the baby and the mother. First, know that even during this phase, the baby already has the ability to perceive and record sounds such as music or the voices of its parents. Playing music for your baby will contribute to the development of their perception abilities. This technique also allows you to build bonds with your child and prepare for the important event of childbirth.

 Why Build Bonds with Your Child During Pregnancy?

Establishing a relationship with your baby in utero during pregnancy contributes significantly to their development. The child will feel secure, loved, and wanted. This way, you allow them to grow in a peaceful environment. Songs sung by mom, the voices of the parents, or even music itself are all means of communication for building bonds with your child during pregnancy. Such a relationship is beneficial for both the mother and her child. It largely helps prevent postpartum traumas.

 Communicating with Your Baby in Utero by Playing Music

According to the results of scientific studies conducted by specialists, babies respond to sounds. Even though they are still in their mother’s womb, they can hear the heartbeat and their mother’s voice. They are not indifferent to sound vibrations as early as 7 weeks of gestation. However, this auditory capability fully develops beyond the 28th week of pregnancy. It’s at this stage that the baby’s connection to the world begins to form. Childbirth preparation techniques like psychophonics involve establishing this connection by using various songs such as lullabies. If this connection with music is well-established, it will be easy to maintain after the birth of your child.

 Combining Voices and Music to Stimulate Your Child’s Brain

According to specialists, a mother’s voice has a positive impact on a baby’s growth. Singing is an effective way to build an emotional relationship between a mother and her child. Moreover, a baby is also capable of memorizing and recognizing a song they heard frequently during pregnancy. It’s even better to combine the voice with music for a better result. And not just any melody! Classical music, due to its relaxing effect, has a positive impact on the baby’s condition. However, at this stage, the child is more sensitive to low (bass) frequencies because the amniotic fluid strongly dampens high-pitched tones. Avoid keeping headphones on your belly for too long. Above all, make sure the volume isn’t too high, as it can impair the baby’s hearing.

 Music: What Impact Does It Have on a Baby’s Life in Utero?

It’s no secret that music is good for health. It soothes and relaxes adults, but it also provides “well-being” to the baby. When the mother is calm, it goes without saying that her child will be too. Music acts as therapy because it helps develop the baby’s intellectual abilities. It contributes to the development of their brain and, in general, their whole body! A child who has experienced music from conception will have no trouble integrating into community life later on. At birth, the baby’s auditory faculties are already well established. The songs and music heard during intrauterine life will influence their behavior once they come into the world. The tunes they heard repeatedly in utero can shape their musical preferences. This is how a lullaby sung often during pregnancy will help them sleep easily after birth…

Should You Play All Types of Music for Your Baby?

Exposing your baby to loud music for extended periods can pose a significant risk to their brain development. You should choose the type of music to listen to, as it can vary depending on each phase of pregnancy. However, everyone agrees that classical music is the preferred choice. There are two major reasons for this: it enhances concentration and creates a relaxing atmosphere. To relieve stress, a pregnant woman may still need to hear other types of music that give her energy. However, be cautious, as an excess of energy could agitate the child. Avoid melodies that put you in an emotional state that makes you feel aggressive and restless. Remember that the unborn child hears low frequencies much more. So, refrain from playing music with strong bass in your room or car, especially at high volumes.

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