Grossesse : faire attention à son poids

Pregnant? Watch your weight!

“Monitor your weight during pregnancy. No more unnecessary pounds during pregnancy!”

It is important to watch your figure during pregnancy. It is indeed normal to gain an average of 12 to 15 kilograms. However, this is just an average and depends on each person’s body mass index or BMI before becoming pregnant. Specialists unanimously agree that pregnancy is a time when you shouldn’t eat twice as much but rather twice as well. Prioritize the quality, not the quantity, of your diet.

A question of BMI

What was your weight before pregnancy? Where did your BMI stand?

Let’s have a quick reminder of BMI calculation. BMI is obtained by dividing weight by height squared. For example, if you weigh 60 kg and are 1.60 m tall, your BMI is [60 : (1.60*1.60)] = 23.43 or 23. With a BMI less than or equal to 18, you are thin and can gain up to 18 kg during your pregnancy. Between 18 and 26, your BMI corresponds to a normal body build, and you can gain between 11.5 and 16 kg during your pregnancy. Above 26, your BMI indicates overweight, and you should not gain more than 11.5 kg. If you are overweight, it’s essential to talk to your obstetrician to receive better advice on your diet.

The fear of every pregnant woman is not being able to lose the accumulated weight during pregnancy after childbirth.

Watch your diet

During pregnancy, hormones undergo changes that affect our emotions. We can easily transition from one emotion to another, from joy to sadness, as our hormones play tricks and exacerbate our mood. Pregnancy is a time when we are particularly vulnerable. Stress can lead to cravings, irresistible desires to eat.

It is essential to be aware of your relationship with food and to note any deviations in a journal, specifying their origin. For example, you may feel fear when thinking about childbirth, leading you to snack to calm down. Note the emotion that triggered your snacking in a journal. Learn to wait until you are truly hungry to eat. If you find it difficult, seek help from a specialist to address your eating disorders. Above all, do not embark on a diet on your own. It can be dangerous for both your baby’s health and yours.

Eat balanced meals

Most weight gain occurs when we eat too much even when not hungry. The body will store unnecessary fats. If you are hungry, opt for foods that provide quick satiety, such as meat or legumes. Chew your food slowly, focusing on your plate. Satiety will come more easily.

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