kouign aman aux pommes

How to Succeed in Making Apple Kouign Amann

“This guide details how to prepare an apple kouign amann. The dessert we will be presenting in the following lines is meant for 6 people. In addition to the various ingredients to use during its preparation, we will also see the steps to take to ensure the success of this dish. So, get ready in your kitchen and don’t miss a word of what is said below.”

We will make a dessert meant for 6 people. You will need:

• 125g of sugar

• 300g of apples

• 400g of butter

• 15g of yeast

• 10g of salt

• 25cl of water

• 500g of flour

For the preparation of the dish, you need to follow a few steps. Firstly, take a container and pour in the flour, yeast, salt, and water. Then, let the mixture rest for 2 hours.

Do not aim for a square shape of dough! Place the butter in the middle before rolling out the dough over the whole mixture. Fold it as if you are closing a book. Then, cover the dough before rolling it to get three layers. This operation should be done three times, and do not forget to let the mixture rest for an hour between each action.

Now, it’s time to prepare the apples. First and foremost, peel them. Dice them into small pieces and keep them cool.

Take the dough and roll it out to be very thin, then add the apples. Use all the sugar and sprinkle it on the dough. Then, to make it look like a large roll similar to a pain aux raisins, roll the dough over itself.

Then, cut slices about 3 cm thick, and place them on a baking sheet. Use a spatula to flatten them slightly and evenly, giving them a round shape.

Let it sit at room temperature for thirty minutes to allow it to rise. Then, place it in an oven, and bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.

Lastly, it’s best served warm, with a sprinkle of powdered sugar over the top.

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